Tuesday, May 13, 2008


The Cubs signing a dude named Fukudome…the bringing of a fabulous baseball player to a club in need or a GENIUS publicity stunt?

Either way, does it make anyone else want to say WEL-COME-OME-OME-OME TOOO-OOO-OOO-OOO FUCK-U-DOME-OME-OME-OME…!!!!?[Insert that “Y’all Ready Fo This?!” song or “Let Me Clear My Throat.”…oooh! And if they really know what’s up, “You’re Unbelievable!”]


Jane Know said...

lol... if i cared about the cubs, i would perhaps object. or whatever the appropriate annoying cubs fan response should be. but that is still kinda funny.

rem said...

oh-ho-ho! NUTHIN' makes you hate the cubs and their fans more than having to take the red line home from work.