Monday, May 26, 2008

Nice Guys Finish Last...

Nice Guys Finish Last…

I mean, that’s what they say right? Well it has to come from somewhere…like ALL stereotypes (right Linda Lee?). So a friend and I were talking today and we (she) decided that I’m pretty nice (in a Gal way...not guy.). Like, to people’s faces. And so is she. Anyway, long story short…we decided that puts us at risk for coming in last! (Whatever that means. But it sounds HORRIBLE!) HOLY. SHIT. That is NOT ok! So we decided to be mean for seven days and see if our lives drastically improve. I can’t be sure, BUT I HAVE A GOOOOOOD FEELING ABOUT THIS!!! So far I’ve decided to ignore people I love and not to share my pretzels with my big dog. Also, I plan on telling people who chap my ass in the LEAST bit to get out of my life…AAAAND STAY OUT!!! over the next few days. It’s gonna be good. Tomorrow I plan on telling a few of my patients in the morning that they’ll never get better and no one cares whether or not they do…oh, and that daddy drinks because they cry. Also, I plan on telling my afternoon clients to go back to where they came from.

That’s all I’ve got so far, but I’m willing to take suggestions. As far as my partner in crime, I’ll keep you posted on her and my practice and findings. But let’s just hope we come out on top, eh? Or rather, first? Like, if nice = last, then mean = first, right? I’m onto something. Wish me luck! CHEERS!


Anonymous said...

sounds like someone needs attention.

rem said...

listen you! identify yourself so we can fight fair! (though i sense marie here. the sexual tension is KILLING her!)