Sunday, April 13, 2008


Alright. I'm going two birds with one stone on this, since both fannie ( and brita ( tagged me. At this point I'm just having a damn axiety attack about getting it done so here goes...

The rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book of 123 (or more) pages.

BLOODTHIRSTY BITCHES AND PIOUS PIMPS OF POWER (fannie loaned it to me so that automatically makes me look smart)

2. Open the book to page 123 and find the 5th sentence.

"It all makes sense to him."

3. Post the next 3 sentences

"Team hate is smarter than it is intelligent. The unfunny antics of Coulter are remarkable only because they are intentionally outrageous, tasteless fabrications that evoke anger--which pays. Ingraham reminds me of a child swinging blindly at a pinata and constantly missing."

Ok, I hope that this has proven to all of you a few things. #1. I know how to read. #2. I'm really, really smart and political and crap. And C. #1 and #2 only really happen with the help of Fannie.

I guess I'm supposed to tag other people...but I don't really have a lot of blog friends (most of my friends are really stupid ((and ugly)). That's why I hang out with them. I'm the smart and pretty one). Since I've been double tagged I'm going to tag Garvey ( and um...hmm...well since fannie has likely read 15-20 books this past week I'll tag her. Don't tag me back bitches.

*NOTE: Where I come from to "tag" someone is to have sex with them. Just sayin'.


Anonymous said...

Well, la-di-fucking-da!! Welcome back REM, your presence, and commentary have been missed by both my blog and readers alike. Please, visit more frequently.

Gotta go tag someone, talk soon.

Pissy Missy said...

I don't get it. Am I like supposed to do something now that I'm tagged? And why the shit didn't Brita and Fannie tag ME? What's going on? Where do babies come from?

Pissy Missy said...

Nevermind, I just looked at Brita's blog and she did tag me. I heart you Brita! I still don't get it, though.

rem said...

pissy missy,
babies come from your bellybutton. spaz.