Thursday, March 20, 2008

I'm Sorry? What Was That?

I must remain vague with my details so as to not disclose the person(s) or institution(s) they represent. I got JUST now got off the phone with and individual who is, to put it vaguely, a mentor of mine, a leader in their field, and a person in whose hands much of my future rests.

A lot of the conversation doesn’t really matter…until THIS; "…we just got out of a meeting about you…and we can’t decide if you’ll be famous or infamous, so we’re going to rear you for both…”

Let that marinate…

*helpful details for imagery*
1. They were NOT kidding. They didn’t even laugh, they actually seemed quit irritated when they said it.
2. The only response I could muster was, “Ok. See you Monday.”
3. This is true. Nothing was added and the only things omitted were names, places, and other personal info.
4. The "famous" thing is obviously blowing smoke up my ass. Those of you who know me know that I'm pretty average.

Continue to let that marinate…I know I will…no, seriously…what was that all about?


Anonymous said...

If you become famous, I probably won't be your friend anymore. Famous people annoy me. If you become INfamous, however, I'll totally still be your friend. Just thought I'd let you know in case it affects your decision when you hit that fork in the road...

rem said...

actully, yes. that is very helpful thank you.

Anonymous said...

INfamous is actually pretty cool. You find your image posted in some pretty amazing places. Like on the FBI's web site, or the Post Office. What could be more fun than for your friends to see you among the "Top Ten Most Wanted" while waiting 30 minutes for the Post Office to dispense stamps. And the REALLY cool thing about being INfamous is that you are so definitely WANTED! Is that validation, or what?

rem said...

thank you davidallenjd. it seems as though you've made up my mind for me.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome, Rem. From reading Grace's blog, she's said nothing but good things about you. Considering the fact that she is pretty lenient with using the "F" word, the fact that she has nice things to say about you is a big deal.

Life is funny sometimes. I was coming home one night from a bad date, when I ran into "Grace" on the Red Line train. I didn't literally run into her, of course, since we were both in the train. Anyway, we struck up a conversation over "lawyers," and how they made everyone so crazy about being sued, and then it turned out that I'm a lawyer, and she was in law school. I think she was a 2L at the time. She said I looked like a lawyer, in my dark, long winter coat.

I'd be interested in her perspective on that incident. If she remembers. :-)

Okay, I'm off to teach a Spinning class, which given a choice between being a lawyer and that, I prefer that.

Have a great night.

rem said...

thanks davidallenjd.
enjoy spin. personally, it hurts my privates. so i'm spin-free these days.

But let's talk about what really matters. "Grace" said something good about me? really? what did she say? what was her tone like? can you do me a favor and pass her a note for me in study hall?
thanks, man. for real.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you can read all the good things Grace has to say about you on her blog.

Grace and I don't share the same study hall, anyway. She's off communicating with prisoners (WTF was that all about, anyway! A Prosecutor Wannabe writing to prisoners? Seriously, that just blows my mind).

And when we do "talk," it's through instant messaging. I can't even get her to call. She's too busy. Or she forgets. I even invited her to see "Jersey Boys," and she forgot that I asked.

So, I have no idea what her tone or inflection about you are, REM. It could be matter of fact? There could be heavy breathing involved. I have no clue.

Sorry, man. For real.

rem said...

let's focus on the heavy breathing.

Anonymous said...


You mean the heavy breathing that I could not hear, because it was strained through an instant message?

THAT heavy breathing?

Okay, this is how it went down. Are you old enough to remember the Donna Summers song, "Love to Love you, Baby?" The long version. The one where she becomes orgasmic for like 20 minutes?

I imagine it was just like that!

rem said...

thank you, davidallenjd.
i choose to believe that 100%.

Anonymous said...

Of course, in my imagination, peppered in between the orgasmic moans are repeated, "Oh .... REM!!" But of course, if REM is not your REAL name, then this imaginary scenario just becomes more surreal.

rem said...


Anonymous said...

Why keep that "yum" feeling in the realm of my imagination? (Not that I object to it, but ... I'm just saying ....)

Carpe Diem, REM! Seize the carp!! Good things (or in this case, tall, attractive, blonde attorneys) don't come to those who wait.

I can always pass her a note the next time I go over to court. For real, man.

rem said...

oh i assure you my friend, grace and i are beyond the note passing stage. but just in case...slip her that note for me, m'kay!?

Anonymous said...

Dude, I saw "Grace" last night in "study hall." (Not MY study hall, you understand ... since as I told you before, we don't share study halls, much less schools). I told her that you wanted me to pass her a "note," even though I had no idea what you wanted said in that note. But I told her that I could IMAGINE what you'd like included in such a note. She "LOLed," and then said, "heehee." How did she say it, how much emphasis did she put on the first "hee," as opposed to the second one, I have no idea. Seriously ... these instant messages are limited that way. But if you'd like, for you -- and JUST for you -- I can imagine VERY heavy breathing.

You're welcome.

rem said...

It is not yet 8am and you've already made my day! ;-)

Anonymous said...


The reason I was able to make your day before 8 a.m. is because (as you can see), I was up around 4 a.m., so I could go teach another Spinning class, the better to abuse my "privates."

That's why I play the Linkin Park song, "Numb." That describes how I feel by the end of the day, man.

Glad I could make your day. Now, go do something socially just.

Anonymous said...


I was waiting for you to finally chime in on Grace's TwoDaLoo post. Well put, madam ... well put.

rem said...

Oy, david. Just OY. (no. I'm not jewish) But thank you. all i know is considering"lot" with grace, it was very important that i let her know the TwoDaLoo was NEVER going to be an option. and when i say "never" i mean like, "never in a million years. even if someone threatened to kill my parents...mostly b/c i don't like my parents, but still.)

rem said...

oh, and DA, JD...this is for you...