Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Thank You CTA, #22 Bus!

Dear CTA #22 Bus,

I’d like to take a moment out of my day to say, thank you! Thank you for making it so that all three of me can commute at the same time. I just know that my boss won’t care that because the bus was 15 minutes late my one self was 15 minutes late. Not when three #22 busses show up at my stop at pretty much exactly the same time. Again, allowing all three of me to arrive at work at exactly the same time. Though my one self was 15 minutes late, my other two simultaneously commuting selves came with. Three of me equals triple the work, right? So who needs that extra 15 minutes? Not me. Not my boss. Not my clients. That 15 minutes (should I ever actually get it back) is just gravy! Between the three of us, looks like I might get out of work early today! Maybe the three of us will get home in time to watch a 4:00 Gilmore Girls rerun. We love that show. So again, thank you CTA #22 bus! Without your precise planning and execution only one of me would show up to work…on time.

p.s. I hope the simultaneous commuting me's didn’t smell what I did on my bus on their busses. I don’t know if they’d bounce back from something like that.

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