Monday, April 28, 2008

"It's Girl Scout Cookie Time!"--I Don't Get It

Why are girl scout cookies seasonal? It's not like they require a certain fresh berry or the birth of a young fish to be made. Don't the girl scouts want/need money all the time? I can't name a single person who wouldn't buy girl scout cookies regularly.

But no. They only sell them once, maybe twice a year. Forcing me to buy 10 boxes of thin mints and just as many tag-a-longs to "last me through the year."

Yeah. Fucking. Right. All that really does is allow me to eat a sleeve, NAY! a BOX of cookies a day.

I don't get it.


Anonymous said...

If you have too many girl scout cookies, walk your ass a block down the street and drop the extras off to us...

rem said...

Fine. come here. I am NOT risking burning the calories in walking a block. It will negate the entire cookie experience, thus far.