Sunday, April 27, 2008

Catsicles--I don't get it.

My cats have figured out how to open my freezer. I walk in the kitchen and one of them will be sitting in the freezer with the door wide open. No. Seriously.

How did they figure this out?

How long has this been going on?

WHY would they want to sit in the freezer?

Do you think my crabcakes are still ok to eat?

I don't get it.

p.s. this is not very eco-friendly.


Anonymous said...

I can't lie, when I originally glanced at the title of the post I thought it was in reference to your cats nuts or the lack thereof, or whatever.

Upon reading I have concluded that your cats are in training for what will surely be one of the hottest Chicago summers in recent history. We all know those fans do nothing but blow hot air around so they are preparing!

Don't be alarmed when you learn of their next training session, which involves clawing ice cubes into their water bowl, begins soon!!

In other news, welcome REM back to the blogosphere...I myself plan on making a comeback.

rem said...

listen. i cannot tell a lie. i like you. come back to chicago and i'll give you anything you want.

Pissy Missy said...

I agree with Brita. And if your crabcakes have defrosted at all, throw them away. <--- my professional opinion