Thursday, September 18, 2008

"Why don't you ever blog anymore?"

Hey there.
Ok, so I've gotten a fair number of texts/IMs/emails/actual voice comments in conversations (i didn't know people still did that) asking me why I don't blog anymore or asking me when I'm going to blog again, and variations of the sort. First of all, thanks. That's super nice that anyone would ask me stuff about me and what I'm doing.

Second, I'm busy (for the record, when I first typed that I wrote "busty". I think that's funny.

And finally (I think we're on third) and most importantly, I don't really have anything to say. I don't have a blog that keeps people informed (like fannie, grace, and garvey). I have a "let me tell you what I think and feel" blog. Like Brita. I don't really feel all that interested in sharing my thoughts and feelings anymore. It works for some people. It most certainly does not work for me. I think I feel safest (smartest) when I keep those to myself. If that changes and I want to write something I will let all my reader know by putting my link under my IM name. Email me if you want my IM and don't have it.



Anonymous said...

Holy smokes batman...i don't have an email address or an im name. I feel unloved...

rem said...

whaaaa?! at least have gmail to have blogger, right? facebook? jeez! i cannot NOT have a line to brita! it's not ok! you are to get an IM, or an email, or a facebook. and you are to report back when one or more of those things happen. also, garvey had a good idea for me to continue with my blog. i just need to see if i have time for it. so stay tuned!

Anonymous said...

Wait...i meant I felt left out because I didn't have any of YOUR information. Sorry. Should've been significantly clearer...I have facebook, myspace, gmail and aim! I'm a cool kid...wait, just kidding. Upon reading that entire list i'm just a loser...but not really, maybe I just like to keep in touch via cyber space??? Rar...look me up on facebook!

rem said...

oooooh! ok. you want me to look up brita or your real name?

Anonymous said...
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