Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Intro to blog

Well now, for about a year people have been telling me that I should have a blog. I’ve been asked to guest blog, contribute to a blog, host a blog (blog is an ugly word. Contact me if you know its origins). My response to this, to quote my mother, has always been “I have neither the time nor the inclination.” (Which by the way, is how she feels about parenting, working, rehab, etc…) Now, I still haven’t the time, but I’ve stumbled upon the inclination.

See, it has recently occurred to me that I have accidentally duped…well… nearly everyone (Dear Exceptions, Thank you. I love you for knowing the truth). It turns out that there are a shitload of people out there…I mean A LOT of them who think me to be good. Fine. Think what you will, your opinion of me matters very little. BUT, what does matter to me is your nagging. And your sheer looks/words of shock/sadness/etc EVERY time I disappoint you. I didn’t sign up for that and it kinda makes me feel bad, so let us begin an honest dialogue, shall we? Don’t get me wrong. I still like/love most of you, and would rather most of you still like/love me. But I think it’s time we’re all clear here. So this will be a blog about what actually goes on in my head.

I know, I know. Those of you who know me know that I am in a discipline for “good, compassionate, and nice people.” But let’s not pretend that I wouldn't do nearly ANYTHING to spite my family. Even if it means posing as a complete pussy for the rest of my life and pretending not to care about money and status. Don’t worry, “family first” folks. They hated me first. It’s actually a very comfortable place to be in. So, here we can discuss things I care about, things I don’t care about, things I know, and don’t know, and things I’ve done and not done. To throw myself a nod, I’ve done some pretty interesting things. Many of them make me a complete fucking asshole…but I say own it, baby! OWN IT!

Disclosure: I’m into politics. And I am a hypocrite. I'm a pretty big prick, but I LOVE attacking other pricks and calling them names. Stay tuned. Some of it may just be serious blogging…but don’t confuse that with smart!


Pissy Missy said...

The word BLOG came from the word WEBLOG. Because, well, they are web logs. You are a hand job.

rem said...

YOU are the smart one, asshat! Why would I be expected to know that? I AM right that it's ugly.

Anonymous said...

Why welcome dear! Expect endless amounts of comments from me...who questions your character??? I'll smack the shite out of them, and yes, i meant to leave that e there because i'm english and i say words like shite

rem said...

hahaha! Thank you, love! I'm so pleased to have you! I'll have you know that I was just in the middle of something very unpleasant when I got this comment and you ended up making my night just be making your presence known!

Unknown said...

This blog reminds me of how much I miss you. Very well written. Espc. the Godfather part about the wine and cousin-fucking. Very valid point, by the way. Speaking of which, did you see the Nip/Tuck (2nd to last episode)? A step brother and step sister fuck w/out knowing their relationship, then they find out, and decide they're in love anyway. Now, dude. That is some effed up shit.

rem said...

yes anne it is. it is "effed up." i feel better knowing that you feel that way.

CherryPieFilling said...

thats what she said!

rem said...

does anyone else think that cherrypiefilling is kind of a lesbian?

CherryPieFilling said...

you wish bitch!